How to Register an Institutional Complaint with the Illinois Board of Higher
Education (IBHE):
Step 1: Follow the institution's complaint procedures.
You must first make all attempts to resolve the matter directly with the
institution. Check the institution's website, student handbook, and/or course
catalog for information regarding the institution's complaint procedures.
In cases of criminal activity,
contact the proper authorities (e.g. campus security or local police)
Step 2: Prepare to register a formal complaint with IBHE.
After you have made all attempts to resolve your issue(s) with the
institution, IBHE may intercede with the identified institution depending upon
pertinent laws governing agency oversite.
Some institutions are under different oversight statutes, thus limiting IBHE's
authority to address complaints.
- Board of Higher Education Act 1961
- Private College Act 1945
- Academic Degree Act 1961
- Private Business and Vocational Schools Act of 2012
Gather all the documentation you have collected during your attempt to resolve
the matter directly with the institution.
Step 3: Register a complaint using IBHE's Institution Complaint System.
You may register a new complaint or update an existing complaint. Providing
personal information is voluntary. However, if you wish to remain anonymous,
IBHE will not be able to contact you or address your formal complaint. Anonymous
complaints will be reviewed, logged, and counted in IBHE reports about
institutional complaints.